Branford Parks, Recreation & Leisure Services Department
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You've Been Egged! Register View Cart

2025 Event Details
You will be egged between Monday, April 14th - Thursday, April 17th

Please register by Friday, April 11th. Spots are limited.
$15 per treat bag (register each child if you want multiple treat bags). Branford Addresses Only!

Egg your friends, neighbors or your own family with a surprise Easter Egg treat bag! 
The Easter Bunny or one of his friends, will deliver to your house a "You've Been Egged" sign, a dozen treat filled eggs, and a special bag filled with activities and goodies. Happy Easter!

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You've Been Egged! 2025 
1y - 99y N/A MTuWTh  04/14/2025 - 04/17/2025
09:00 AM - 05:00 PM

Outside Facility
$15.00 Res
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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